CONMAC Dumpster Rentals

Dumpster rentals servicing Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey.

Easy To Reserve Dumpsters

20-Yard and 30-Yard Roll Off Dumpsters Available Now.


Choose a dumpster size that best suits your disposal needs for your project. Comac Disposal currently offers two sizes, with 20-yard and 30-yard roll-off dumpsters available to rent.


Fill out the contact form here or give us a call at (484) 846-5010 and one of our representatives will contact you with a free estimate.


Conmac will ensure that your dumpster rental is scheduled and delivered, hassle-free during your requested drop-off and pick-up dates.

Find The Right Size For Your Needs

20 Yard Dumpster

Holds: 8 pickup loads
Dimensions: 21'11"L x 7'0"W x 3'6"H
Best Use: Ideal for heavy-debris home clean-outs and remodeling cleanup

30 Yard Dumpster

Holds: 14 pickup loads
Dimensions: 21'11"L x 7'0"W x 5'2"H
Best Use: Ideal for office or large home renovation projects or junk removal

Frequently Asked Questions About Dumpster Rentals

Learn the basics of renting and using temporary roll-off dumpsters for your home or business. Contact us to learn more and our friendly and knowledgable staff will be more than happy to answer any additional questions you may have.

  • Conmac roll-off dumpsters are essential for any home or business construction or remodeling project, providing customers a central and safe way to collect garbage and debris. The size and depth of roll-off dumpsters makes it easy for cleanups, debris, junk, and trash removal.

  • Comac Disposal currently offers two sizes, with 20-yard and 30-yard roll-off dumpsters available to rent.

    20-Yard Dumpster Rentals
    Holds: 8 pickup loads
    Dimensions: 21'11"L x 7'0"W x 3'6"H
    Best Use: Ideal for heavy-debris home clean-outs and remodeling cleanup.

    30-Yard Dumpster Rentals
    Holds: 14 pickup loads
    Dimensions: 21'11"L x 7'0"W x 5'2"H
    Best Use: Ideal for office or large home renovation projects or junk removal

  • Rental rates will vary based on type of debris, dumpster size, and length of rental. Fill out our contact form today and speak to our friendly and knowledgable staff to find out what option is best for your project.

  • Conmac Disposal supports and follows hazardous waste precautions. Environmental safety is important to us. Batteries, asbestos, harmful chemicals, flammable liquids and more are considered environmental hazards and should not go in any dumpster and you will be asked to remove them if they are found in a rented dumpster.

Ready To Get Started?

Conmac Disposal provides fast and easy dumpster rentals. Contact us today for a free estimate from our friendly and knowledgable staff.